marți, 24 februarie 2009

Cruzimea ploii

Cade incet pe fata mea,
Imi intra in ochi, in gura
Si se prelinge apoi pe trupul meu semi-nud.
Apa vine de sus si parca
Niciodata nu a mai avut lucirea
Ce o are acum,
Blanzimea cu care-mi mangaie corpul,
Catifelarea ce o simt
Ma face sa ma simt ca si cum
Sunt infasurata in matase.

Stau culcata pe iarba
Ce pare mai verde ca niciodata,
Iar soarele straluceste cu asa putere
Si emana atata caldura, cum nu a mai facut-o
Pe fundal aud doar ritmul melodiilor preferate
Si zambesc.
Ma incanta si inchid ochii.

Simt apoi cum se apropie cineva langa mine
Dar nu-mi deschid ochii.
Stiu ca esti tu!
Si chiar esti.
Ma ia de mana si ma strange usor.
Totusi stiu ca aceea strangere e mai puternica
Si ma pot tine de ea multa vreme.
Cu cealalta mana imi mangaie obrazul,
Ce se imbina perfect cu mangaierea
Picaturilor reci de ploaie.
Incet, te uzi si tu complet
Iar buzele tale reci si ude
Imi ating buzele mele, ce sunt la fel.
Dar la apropierea acestora devin mai calde
Cum si inima-mi pompeaza afara de fericire,

Deschizand ochii, totul dispare ca prin ceata
Ramanand doar cu ploaia
Ce acum este asa rece incat simt
Ca trupul mi-este precum gheata.

Era o zi de vara perfecta,
Devenind una de toamna,

joi, 12 februarie 2009


*She Don't Want The World*
by 3 Doors Down

The open wound she hides
She just keeps it bundled up and never lets it show
She can't take much more of this, but she can't let it go
And that's okay, she don't want the world.

All the things she says, while he's just lying there
Without someone to hear her cry
She slips off into a dream, about a place to hide
And that's okay, she don't want the world.

This love she feels, everything she's ever known
Or ever thought was real
Seems like it's been thrown away now, how's she gonna live...
It's okay, she don't want the world.

Those words he never spoke,
Hold her like the memories of all the times before
She tried to show him love, while he would only ask for more
But it's okay, she don't want the world

Softly in her sleep,
Pictures of the life she's longing for slowly appear
She's seen them all before but somehow never quite this clear
She just smiles, she don't want the world
(she don't want the world)

This love she feels, everything she's ever known,
Or ever thought was real
Seems likes it's been thrown away now, how's she gonna live,
It's okay, she don't want the world.

A brand new morning shines, she wakes up alone again, this time to face the day
She swears this time to make it, as she simply walks away and it's okay...
She don't want the world

3 DOORS DOWN - She don't want the world
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica »

luni, 2 februarie 2009


Totul se darama peste mine. Visele cele dragute ce le aveam devin acum cosmaruri.
Prietenia noastra, desi de scurt timp, imi pare o eternitate.
Mereu pierd.
Distanta creste, relatia dintre noi sper sa nu se raceasca.
Nu-mi doresc. Mi-au ajuns dezamagirile ce le-am avut pana acum. Cand in sfarsit ceva parea frumos, la locul lui, a trebuit sa intervina mutarea asta.
Mereu pierd.
Nu-mi doresc. Stiu ca nici tu nu-ti doresti, dar asa a fost sa fie, cred.
Cum se zice.."maktub".
Seara in care am dormit prima oara la tine, stand si povestind despre una-alta, zicand ca vom face amandoua lucrul ala in acelasi timp, ca vom merge prin locuri diferite si doresc sa se termine la un moment dat.
In sfarsit pentru mine era bine. Imi creeasem un univers care era chiar dragut, pe placul meu, care era si-n realitate.
Se pierde.
Iluziile, visele, realitatea, se pierd.
Totul revine cum era la inceput. Incepand cu o camera obscura...

In schimb...te iubesc.